Infrastructure/Industry Working Group

Chairs: Tracy Larkin-Thomason, ITS America and Ed Bradley, Toyota

The role of the Infrastructure/Industry Working Group is to support the adoption of pre-competitive industry research in driving infrastructure development and maintenance, connect Infrastructure Owner Operators (IOOs) with industry, pursue the natural evolution of infrastructure to accelerate connected and automated vehicles (CAVs), and clarify terms, definitions and target audiences. The Working Group is comprised of members from IOOs, consultants, industry, and national-level organizations such as standards organizations, the US Department of Transportation (USDOT), Transport Canada, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), ITE, and ITSA. In addition to conducting quarterly meetings, Working Group members work to advance several activities summarized below.

Activity #1: Survey of AV Shuttle Deployments

  • Develop and disseminate a survey instrument to understand agency experiences and lessons learned with AV shuttle deployments.
  • Survey results will be summarized and disseminated in order to discuss and determine any next steps, e.g. conducting second survey or follow-up contact with survey respondents.

Activity #2: Facilitate Development of 101 Resource on Communications Networks and Data

  • Develop a resource for IOO executive staff and decision makers making investments and who are new to the CAV realm.
  • Develop draft content that can be used to generate formal documentation, in the form of a white paper, webinar, or YouTube video
  • Provide content to support external effort to develop one or more resources (e.g. YouTube videos, white papers, webinars, and/or Primer) that will present the terms and types of communications methods.

Activity #3: Expand Membership and Increase Interactions with Appropriate Associations

  • This Working Group will work to make connections with appropriate groups and invite participation by new members in order to increase perspective and better understand issues.

Activity #4: Working Group Webinars   

  • Conduct webinars to help share notices and updates about ongoing initiatives from the stakeholder community represented both by the core association/federal partners”.
  • Track efforts of other groups regarding definitions of “infrastructure” and related AV/CV terms to leverage this nomenclature and follow the lead of these more mature, data-driven organizations. This may involve presentations from other CAT Coalition groups, the National Safety Council, IIHS, AAA, Consumer Reports, and NHTSA.

Activity #5: Provide reactions to IOO/OEM Forum Activities

  • IOO/OEM Forum members will present to this Working Group requesting reactions and feedback during the webinar or through follow-up email on a variety of the Forum’s ongoing activities, as needed.

Webinar Summaries

Below are brief summaries of webinars and meetings for the Infrastructure/Industry Working Group: