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ATM Project Database

To begin, select your project criteria below to see states that have projects that match your criteria
The TRB Committee on Freeway Operations (ACP20) has been leading an effort to track and share information on active traffic management (ATM) projects around the country. Thanks to their efforts, we’ve been able to develop a map outlining the projects based on ATM strategies and sub-strategies.

ATM Projects

Once you have selected your project criteria above, select one of the highlighted states to view a list of projects matching your criteria.

Low Visibility warning system on I-10

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Mobile County, AL
Gerald Criswell 251-432-4069
Agency Alabama DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Six sensors with forward-scatter technology are used to measure visibility distance, while traffic flow is monitored with a CCTV surveillance system and displayed on monitors in the control room.

Variable Speed Limit on I-40

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Flagstaff, AZ
John Placer - NAU ADOT TRC PM Steve Owen 928-523-5841
Agency Arizona DOT
Urban: No Active: No

Project Description

This joint project, with the Northern Arizona University (NAU) produced a fuzzy logic control system that continuously displays highway speeds appropriate to the atmospheric and road surface conditions at locations of interest along the I-40 corridor in rural northern Arizona.

I-17 ATM Pilot

Phoenix, Maricopa County

I-17 ATM Pilot

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits
Location Phoenix, Maricopa County, AZ
Reza Karimvand (602) 712-7640
Agency Arizona DOT
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

ADOT is planning, designing and implementing an ATM system for the I-17 corridor in metro Phoenix. This is a corridor through a highly developed area, so there is not an opportunity for expanding travel lanes. ConOps is focusing on Dynamic Speed Limits, adaptive ramp metering, and LCS. Corridor currently has HOV in place. As of 8/2015, ConOps is in development. Examined shoulder running, but too many constraints with HOV, very limited shoulder on many parts of I-17, and auxiliary lanes. In conunction, also looking at ICM strategies on adjacent City of Phoenix arterials to better manage demand, and support improved alternate routing in the event of a closure on I-17.

ADOT Adaptive Ramp Metering - MILOS

    Active Traffic Management
  • Adaptive Ramp Metering
Location Phoenix, AZ
Larry Head - U of A
Agency Arizona DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

A key contribution of the MILOS research effort was the development of algorithms that consider ramp queues as well as freeway conditions. MILOS was the first system to consider the ramp queues as an integral part of the adaptive ramp metering strategy.

Real-Time Adaptive Ramp Metering on I-680

    Active Traffic Management
  • Adaptive Ramp Metering
Location Alameda County, CA
Alan Chow, P.E. 510-286-4577
Agency Caltrans
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

The ramp metering plan for southbound I-680 uses a real-time adaptive system that monitors traffic volumes and density and adjusts the ramp metering rate based on thresholds that vary by time of day set for the travel demand at each ramp.

LA ExpressPark

Los Angeles

LA ExpressPark

    Active Parking Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Los Angeles, CA
Bruce Gillman (213) 972-8406
Agency Los Angeles DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

ExpressPark program uses new meters and a network of wireless pavement sensors to keep track of parked vehicles in real time. The sensors help transportation officials determine which meters are in use and which have expired. Users are directed to available parking spaces via dynamic message signs and a spart phone application. Pricing is dynamic based on demand.

Connected Corridors I-210 Pilot

    Active Traffic Management
  • Adaptive Ramp Metering
Location Los Angeles, CA
Sam Esquenazi 323-259-1764
Agency Caltrans
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

The main objective of the I-210 Connected Corridors/Congsestion Relief Project is to better regulate vehicle flow upon entering the freeway system. This is being accomplished with advanced metering equipment and technology for use with on-ramp meters, freeway-to-freeway connector meters, dynamic rerouting and HOV Bypass Lane metering. This is the first Caltrans lead ICM effort. It involves 4 cities, the county of LA, LA Metro, Caltrans and UC Berkeley PATH.

BART Park-and-Ride in Millbrae

    Active Parking Management
  • Dynamic Parking Reservation
Location Millbrae, CA
Adrian Levy (510) 622-0109
Agency Caltrans
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

The project began in September 2004, following two years of research and development. Electronic sensors in the east lot of the Rockbridge BART park-and-ride facility communicate space availability to commuters on the freeway using two temporary dynamic message signs. BART riders may reserve any of these 50 spaces over the Internet, personal digital assistant (PDA) or telephone.

Smart Parking System Rockridge Station

    Active Parking Management
  • Dynamic Parking Reservation
Location Oakland, CA
Agency BART
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

The system used underground sensors to count vehicles entering and exiting the parking area’s reserve lot. The data collected were relayed to a central computer system where vehicle counts were processed and information on parking availability was posted on an Internet website and displayed on two portable dynamic message signs (DMS) located on Highway 24.

SR 91 Express Lanes

Orange County

SR 91 Express Lanes

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Orange County, CA
Kirk Avila GM 714-560-5674
Agency The Orange County Transportation Authority
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Utilizes congestion management pricing to establish tolls for the 91 express lanes. The express lane allows groups of three or more commuters travel for free or at a discount during certain hours. Express Lanes being extended into Riverside County converting HOV to HOT lanes.

SR 91 Express Lanes

Riverside County

SR 91 Express Lanes

    Active Demand Management
  • Time of Day Variable Pricing
Location Riverside County, CA
Michael Blomquist 951-787-7141
Agency Riverside County Transportation Commission
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

Utilizes congestion management pricing to establish tolls for the 91 express lanes. The express lane allows groups of three or more commuters travel for free or at a discount during certain hours.

I-15 Express Lanes

Riverside County

I-15 Express Lanes

    Active Demand Management
  • Time of Day Variable Pricing
Location Riverside County, CA
Michael Blomquist 951-787-7141
Agency Riverside County Transportation Commission
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

Utilizes congestion management pricing to establish tolls for the I-15 express lanes. The express lane allows groups of three or more commuters travel for free.

Dynamic Lanes on Pasadena Freeway

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Junction Control
Location Pasadena, CA
Sheik Moinuddin 213-897-8092
Agency Caltrans
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Use of dynamic lane markers for junction control to provide a connector lane during peak hours to I-5 Northbound. Implemented in 2010; currently being upgraded.

Managed Lanes - I-15 San Diego

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location San Diego, CA
Scott Koblentz (Project Manager - Sandag) 619-710-4006
Agency San Diego Association of Governments
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

The managed lanes project in San Diego constitute four managed lanes with movable barrier; and lanes for bus, carpool, vanpool and solo cars who pay distance-based fee.

I-805 ATDM Concept

San Diego

I-805 ATDM Concept

  • Active Demand Management
Location San Diego, CA
Alex Estrella
Agency San Diego Association of Governments
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

SANDAG is examining potential ATDM strategies for the I-805 corridor in metro San Diego. Key issues are transit and freight mobility. Looking to leverage lessons learned from the I-15 ICM.


San Diego


    Active Parking Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location San Diego, CA
Alex Estrella 619-699-1928
Agency San Diego Association of Governments
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

This Smart Parking Research Pilot Project was implemented at the Carlsbad and Encinitas North County Transit District COASTER train stations from June 2010 to September 2011 in an effort to deliver an effective parking management system.

I-680 Express Lane

San Francisco

I-680 Express Lane

    Active Parking Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location San Francisco, CA
Agency Alameda County
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

The I-680 Express Lane gives solo drivers the choice to pay a toll electronically to use the lane while regular carpool users continue to use the lane for free.

I-580 Express Lane

San Francisco

I-580 Express Lane

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location San Francisco, CA
Agency Alameda County
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

The I-580 Express Lanes are an innovative transportation initiative providing all commuters a reliable travel choice: speedier rides for public transportation and carpools, and the opportunity for solo drivers to pay a toll electronically to use the lanes

I-880 Express Lane: Oakland to Milpitas

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Alameda County, CA
Lisa Klein 510-817-5832
Agency Metropolitan Transportation Commission
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

The I-880 Express Lane gives solo drivers the choice to pay a toll electronically to use the lane while regular carpool users continue to use the lane for free. To open in 2019

Coordinated Ramp Metering

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits and ramp metering
Location Sacramento, CA
Steven Shladover (PATH) 510-665-3514
Agency Caltrans with PATH
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Combined Variable Speed Limit and Coordinated Ramp Metering for Freeway Traffic Control , Field Test of Coordinated Ramp Metering (CRM) to be tested on SR99 near Sacramento

SFPark Parking Management

    Active Parking Management
  • Dynamic Priced Parking
Location San Francisco, CA
Agency SFMTA
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

SFpark is a demand-responsive parking pricing and management system. The pilot effort provides real-time parking availability information for on- and off-street parking and also incrementally raises or lowers parking prices based on demand to maintain a minimum level of parking availability

San Francisco 511

San Francisco

San Francisco 511

    Active Demand Management
  • Predictive Traveler Information
Location San Francisco, CA
Agency Metropolitan Transportation Commission
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

.San Francisco 511 System provides future driving times to travelers as part of their trip planning services

Silicon Valley Express Lanes (SR 237)

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location San Jose, CA
VTA community outreach department 408-321-7575
Agency Valley Transportation Authority
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

VTA converted existing HOV lanes on SR 237/I-880 to HOT lanes providing solo drivers the opportunity to use the express lanes for a fee using FasTrack electronic toll collection technology.

Silicon Valley Express Lanes (SR 85)

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location San Jose, CA
VTA community outreach department 408-321-7575
Agency Valley Transportation Authority
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

This project will convert approximately 27 miles of existing High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV or carpool) lanes to express lanes. The project will also convert the existing HOV direct connector in south San Jose, from U.S. 101 to SR 85, to an express connector.

Silicon Valley Express Lanes (US 101)

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location San Jose, CA
VTA community outreach department 408-321-7575
Agency Valley Transportation Authority
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

This project will convert 34 miles of existing High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV or carpool) lanes to express lanes from Dunne Avenue in Morgan Hill to the San Mateo County line. Carpools with two or more occupants, motorcycles, transit buses, and eligible hybrids will continue to use the express lanes free of charge. Solo drivers will have the option of paying a toll to use the express lanes during commute hours.

Smart Park Project along Highway 17/880

    Active Parking Management
  • Dynamic Wayfinding
Location Santa Clara, CA
Agency Santa Clara VTA
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

Santa Clara Valley Transit Authority (VTA) would incorporate advanced technologies in park-and-ride lots to encourage drivers on congested roadways to use transit or rideshare




    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Stanford, CA
Balaji Prabhakar (650) 723-5896
Agency Stanford University
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

A regular Stanford commuter, will earn credits when they enter and exit the main Stanford University campus by car at designated off-peak hours Monday through Friday. Credits can be used to win random cash rewards from $2 to $50 over and over again on the Capri website. The rewards accumulated on Capri will be disbursed monthly via Stanford's payroll or through bank deposits.

I-25 HOV Express Lanes

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Denver, CO
Kari Grant 303-757-9380
Agency Colorado DOT
Urban: No Active: Yes

Project Description

The HOV express lanes allow single occupancy vehicles to use the HOV lanes by paying a toll.

Active Traffic Management System on I-70 (Phase 1 study)

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Denver, CO
David Reeves 303-757-9518
Agency Colorado DOT
Urban: No Active: No

Project Description

The ATM system is expected to incorporate variable speed limits based on advanced algorithms to improve traffic turbulence in real-time, reduce crash risk, and improve traffic flow.

Dynamic Downhill Truck Speed Warning System on I-70

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Denver, CO
Agency Colorado DOT
Urban: No Active: Yes

Project Description

The Downhill Truck Speed Warning System (DTSWS) calculates and displays a safe downhill descent speed for each passing truck of greater than 40,000 lbs. gross vehicle weight (GVW) based on each truck’s axle configuration and gross vehicle weight, and the downgrade of the highway incline. The variable message sign (VMS) displaying the advised speed is located 250 feet beyond the loop detectors and weigh-in-motion (WIM) strips

Variable speed limit and lane control on Deleware Memorial Bridge

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Delaware, DE
Gene Donaldson 302-659-4601
Agency Delaware DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Use of VSL and Lane control for travel on the Delaware Memorial Bridge as part of Advanced Traffic Management System

Speed harmonization system (weather related) on I-495

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Wilmington, DE
Agency Delaware DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Interstate 495 is a six-lane bypass that goes around the city of Wilmington, Delaware. The system begins at the Pennsylvania state line and ends south of Wilmington. There are 23 side-mounted signs on the corridor that are VMS boards inset into black on white speed limit signs

I-95 Express Toll Lanes

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Miami, FL
95 Express Public Information Office 1-800-234-7433
Agency Florida DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

95 Express is an innovative, lower-cost alternative to traditional highway construction that offers a variety of options for avoiding congestion. Ramp Signals on I-95 are part of the overall 95 Express congestion management project. They are located along the highway’s entrance ramps and alternate between red and green lights to regulate the number of vehicles entering the highway. The goal is to reduce bottleneck congestion and make the merging process easier and safer for all drivers.

I-85 Express Lanes

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Atlanta, GA
Mike Dover 404-347-0185
Agency Georgia DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

The I-85 Express Lanes span 16 miles from Chamblee Tucker Road, just south of I-285, to Old Peachtree Road in Gwinnett county. The Express Lanes are open to traffic 24 hours a day, seven days per week. HOV 3+ is exempt from paying tolls

I-75 Express Lanes

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Atlanta, GA
Mike Dover 404-347-0185
Agency Georgia DOT
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

The I-75 Express Lanes Project will design a managed lane system along I-75 from the SR 155 interchange in Henry County north to the SR 138 interchange in Henry and Clayton counties, a distance of 12.24 miles. Expected to open in early 2017. No HOV toll exemption

I-85 Express Lanes Extension

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Atlanta, GA
Mike Dover 404-347-0185
Agency Georgia DOT
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

The existing I-85 Express lane will be extended northward to Hamilton Mill Rd. HOV 3+_will be exempt from paying tolls.

Northwest Corridor project

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Atlanta, GA
John Hancock 678-784-7050
Agency Georgia DOT
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

This project will construct approx 30 miles of reversible, tolled lanes on I-75 and I-575 in NW metro Atlanta. Expected to open in early 2018. No HOV toll exemption.

Variable Speed Limits on I-285

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Atlanta, GA
Andrew Hoenig 404-631-1757
Agency Georgia DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Variable Speed Limit system consists of 176 LED speed limit signs on the northern portion of I-285 (north of I-20). Speed limits vary from 65 to 35 mph in 10 mph increments. Controlled through Navigator ATMS software at TMC

Dynamic Shoulder Lanes on I-85

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Shoulder Lanes
Location Atlanta, GA
Mark Demidovich 404-635-2838
Agency Georgia DOT
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

Construction of Flex Shoulder Lane on I-85 Northbound between Jimmy Carter and Indian Trail. LED signs above lane will indicate open/closed status. Automatically controlled using data from mainline Video Detection System

Video Streaming Solution

    Active Demand Management
  • Predictive Traveler Information
Location Statewide, GA
Mark Demidovich 404-635-2838
Agency Georgia DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Project involved upgrading all field encoders to high and low-bandwidth dual-stream encoders and creation of video streaming servers. Allows streaming lo-bandwidth video to be fed to general public on Smartphone apps and desktop website. Previously, only snapshots were shown. Hi-bandwidth stream is reserved for operators at TMC

Variable speed limit on I-90 from O'Hare to Elgin, IL (24 miles)

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location NW Surburban Chicago, IL
Ahmed Ghaley
Agency IL Tollway
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

The segment of I-66 between U.S. 50 and I-495, where the case study HOV/shoulder lane combination is operational, includes three main lanes in each direction. Starting in 1992, the shoulder was opened to peak-period, peak-direction general purpose traffic, allowing the leftmost lane to operate as an HOV lane. In 2011-2012, IDOT is planning to implement variable speed limits, dynamic lane control and queue warning as part of an ATM deployment project in 2016.

Chicago Metra Park-and-Ride (Rock Island Line)

    Active Parking Management
  • Dynamic Wayfinding
Location Chicago, IL
Agency RTA
Urban: No Active: No

Project Description

As part of an integrated corridor management plan, the Chicago Metra commuter railroad is deploying an advanced parking management system to guide commuters from the freeway to park-and-ride lots with open parking spaces.

Real-Time Transit & Parking Information, Acadia National Park, ME

    Active Parking Management
  • Dynamic Wayfinding
Location Bar Habor , ME
Mark Hartsoe (202) 513-7025
Agency National Park Service
Urban: No Active: Yes

Project Description

In 2001-2002, a partnership between the U.S. Departments of Transportation and Interior, Acadia National Park, and the State of Maine, implemented several real-time traveler information systems to provide more timely and accurate information to visitors regarding the Acadia’s Island Explorer free shuttle bus service and on-site parking availability.

Variable Speed Limit on I-95 and I-295

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Portland, ME
Agency Maine DOT
Urban: No Active: Yes

Project Description

The speed limit is lowered based on road conditions and travel speeds. Specific weather variables that are monitored include precipitation types and amounts, speed drops of more than 20 mph and other incidents can cause a change in the VSL

BWI Advanced Parking Management

    Active Parking Management
  • Dynamic Wayfinding
Location Baltimore, MD
Bill Lins (410) 859-7629
Agency MAA
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

The system determines garage space availability in real time and guides travelers to the available parking spaces. BWI deployed the system to improve the traveler’s experience as part of the airport’s aggressive growth strategy

US-23 Active Traffic Management

Washtenaw/Livingston Counties (Between Brighton and Ann Arbor)

US-23 Active Traffic Management

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Shoulder Lanes
Location Washtenaw/Livingston Counties (Between Brighton and Ann Arbor) , MI
Stephanie Palmer 517-937-5716
Agency Michigan DOT
Urban: No Active: No

Project Description

The ATM system is expected to incorporate variable speed limits based on advanced algorithms to improve traffic turbulence in real-time, reduce crash risk, and improve traffic flow. The ATM is also going utilize Dynamic Shoulder use during peak hour congestion and queue warning to reduce crashes and improve safety.

Adaptive Signal Pilot

Lansing / Eaton County

Adaptive Signal Pilot

    Active Traffic Management
  • Adaptive Signal Control
Location Lansing / Eaton County, MI
Paula Corlette 517-322-3699
Agency Michigan DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Siemens adaptive signal control for M-43/ Saginaw in Lansign MI.

Detroit Airport advanced parking management system

    Active Parking Management
  • Dynamic Parking Reservation
Location Detroit, MI
Agency Detroit Wayne County International Airport
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

One of the U.S airports that has seen the widest application of advanced parking management systems.

Adaptive Signal -SCOOT system

Ann Arbor / Washtenaw County

Adaptive Signal -SCOOT system

    Active Traffic Management
  • Adaptive Signal Control
Location Ann Arbor / Washtenaw County, MI
Les Sipowski 734-794-6410 ext. 43637
Agency City of Ann Arbor
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

SCOOT adavtive signal control - City wide adaptive signal control system.

I-96 Active Traffic Management

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Oakland County, MI
Dayo Akinyemi 313-256-9802
Agency Oakland County
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

Project in development to install ATM on 10 miles of I-96. Potential strategies include dynamic speed advisories, dynamic shoulder lanes, queue warning, and dynamic lane use control.

Oakland County SCATS signal system

    Active Traffic Management
  • Adaptive Traffic Signal Control
Location Oakland County, MI
Danielle Deneau 248-858-4802
Agency Road Commission for Oakland County
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Data from detectors using Video Image Processing technology provide information on traffic movement at over 500 signalized intersections in the country. This information is transmitted to a Traffic Control Center located in the Road Commission for Oakland County offices, and is used to vary the cycle length, phase plan and signal offset at these intersections to minimize delay.

Intergrated Corridor Management - I-696 Macomb Co

    Active Parking Management
  • Dynamic Wayfinding
Location Macomb County, MI
Dayo Akinyemi 313-256-9802
Agency Michigan DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Use of dynamic trailblazing signs and adjustable signal timing from the Traffic Management Center on arterial routes during a major incident on the adjacent freeway.

Integrated Corridor Management - I-75 Oakland Co

    Active Parking Management
  • Dynamic Wayfinding
Location Oakland and Wayne County, MI
Dayo Akinyemi 313-256-9802
Agency Michigan DOT
Urban: No Active: No

Project Description

Use of dynamic trailblazing signs and adjustable signal timing from the Traffic Management Center on arterial routes during a major incident on the adjacent freeway in Oakland and Wayne Counties.

Variable speed limit and Managed Lanes on I-35W

    Active Parking Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Minneapolis, MN
Nick Thompson
Agency Minnesota DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

The Mn/DOT has implemented an ATM system on approximately 26 miles of interstate facilities in the Greater Minneapolis/St. Paul region. The I-35W ATM installation, includes several strategies aimed at improving safety and congestion (both recurrent and non-recurrent).

Managed Lanes - I-394 Minneapolis

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Lane Use Control
Location Minneapolis, MN
Agency Minnesota DOT
Urban: No Active: Yes

Project Description

HOT lanes in which car and van poolers and bus users have free access and priority use while drivers of single occupant vehicles choose to use these lanes on an as-needed basis by paying a fee

Variable speed limit and Managed Lanes on I-35W

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Minneapolis, MN
Brian Kary 651-234-7022
Agency Minnesota DOT
Urban: No Active: Yes

Project Description

HOT lanes in which car and van poolers and bus users have free access and priority use while drivers of single occupant vehicles choose to use these lanes on an as-needed basis by paying a fee

Variable speed limit and Managed Lanes on I-94

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Minneapolis, MN
Brian Kary 651-234-7022
Agency Minnesota DOT
Urban: No Active: Yes

Project Description

The MnDOT has implemented an ATM system on approximately 10 miles of I-94 in the Minneapolis/St. Paul region. The I-94 ATM installation, includes several strategies aimed at improving safety and congestion (both recurrent and non-recurrent).

Managed Lanes - I-35W Minneapolis

    Active Parking Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Minneapolis, MN
Brad Larsen 651-234-7024
Agency Minnesota DOT
Urban: No Active: Yes

Project Description

HOT lanes in which car and van poolers and bus users have free access and priority use while drivers of single occupant vehicles choose to use these lanes on an as-needed basis by paying a fee

Managed Lanes - I-394 Minneapolis

    Active Parking Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Minneapolis, MN
Brad Larsen 651-234-7024
Agency Minnesota DOT
Urban: No Active: Yes

Project Description

HOT lanes in which car and van poolers and bus users have free access and priority use while drivers of single occupant vehicles choose to use these lanes on an as-needed basis by paying a fee

Managed Lanes - I-35E St. Paul

    Active Parking Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Minneapolis, MN
Brad Larsen 651-234-7024
Agency Minnesota DOT
Urban: No Active: Yes

Project Description

HOT lanes in which car and van poolers and bus users have free access and priority use while drivers of single occupant vehicles choose to use these lanes on an as-needed basis by paying a fee (Opening in Late 2015)

Real-Time Adaptive Ramp Metering Throughout the Minneapolis/St. Paul Region

    Active Traffic Management
  • Adaptive Ramp Metering
Location Minneapolis, MN
Brian Kary 651-234-7022
Agency Minnesota DOT
Urban: No Active: Yes

Project Description

The MnDOT utilizes a real-time adaptive system that monitors traffic volumes and density and adjusts the ramp metering rate based on mainline conditions and travel demand at each ramp.

Variable advisory speed limits on I-270

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location St. Louis, MO
Tom Blair
Agency Missouri DOT
Urban: No Active: No

Project Description

Formerly variable speed limit on I-270, MoDOT announced the signs will now serve as advisory only, to pace motorists through pockets of congestion

Parking Management System

    Active Parking Management
  • Dynamic Parking Reservation
Location Lincoln, NE
Agency City of Lincoln
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

An online system allows University of Nebraska football fans to reserve their downtown parking spaces in advance.

Project NEON

Las Vegas/ Clark County

Project NEON

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Las Vegas/ Clark County, NV
Dale Keller
Agency NDOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Construct HIGH OCCUPANCY VEHICLE (HOV) Connector between US 95 AND I 15, direct HOV access ramps at Wall Street, reconstruction of Charleston Blvd. Interchange, and improve local infrastructure, and implement Active Traffic Management system.

Variable Speed Limit and RWIS on I-80

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits
Location Truckee River, NV
Reid Kaiser
Agency Nevada DOT
Urban: No Active: Yes

Project Description

Consists of four VSL signs - two eastbound and two westbound. Speed limits are computed using a logic tree based on the 85th percentile speed, visibility (based on stopping sight distance), and pavement conditions (based on frost, ice, rain, or dry conditions)

Variable Speed Limit on I-93

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits
Location Pembroke , NH
Denise Markow 603-271-2291
Agency New Hampshire DOT
Urban: No Active: No

Project Description

The I-93 Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) project involves the installation of strategically located "Intelligent Transportation System" (ITS) devices along the 19-mile corridor that will be controlled by the Traffic Management Center (TMC) in Concord.

Variable Speed Limit on I-95 and I-78

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Trenton , NJ
C. William Kingsland 609-530-4690
Agency NJDOT
Urban: No Active: Yes

Project Description

The first system is on I-95 and is approximately sixty-two miles long. The second system runs the entire length of I-78. There is a total of 109 static panels with changeable speed flip segment/disks between the two corridors.

Midtown in Motion

    Active Traffic Management
  • Adaptive Traffic Signal Control
Location New York, NY
Mohamad Talas 212 839 3348
Agency New York DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Midtown in Motion, includes 100 microwave sensors, 32 traffic video cameras and E-ZPass readers at 23 intersections to measure traffic volumes, congestion and record vehicle travel times. The combined data is transmitted wirelessly to the City’s Traffic Management Center in Long Island City, allowing engineers to quickly identify congestion choke points as they occur and remotely adjust Midtown traffic signal patterns to clear traffic jams.

PARK Smart

New York

PARK Smart

    Active Parking Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location New York, NY
Manzell Blakeley 212-839-6690
Agency New York DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

PARK Smart aims to increase the number of available metered parking spaces by encouraging motorists to park no longer than necessary. The meter rate is higher when demand for parking is greatest and decreases when demand is lower.


New York City


    Active Traffic Management
  • Transit Signal Priority
Location New York City , NY
Ernest Athanailos 212 839 3344
Agency New York City DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Operation of centralized transit signal priority system that has MTA buses communicate with the Transit Operations center which provides bus location approaching an signalized intersection to NYCDOT Traffic Management Center which provides transit signal priority based a protocols outlined in the Project PSEAR . Currently TSP in NYC is operated and is being installed BRT ( Select Bus Service; SBS) corridors being developed by a NYCDOT / MTA NYC Transit team

VAR-STW-Managed Lanes Study

  • Active Traffic Management
Location statewide, OH
Brenton Bogard, P.E. 614-752-5575
Agency ODOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Determine the feasibility of implementing various active traffic and demand management strategies throughout the state.

Variable Speed Limit on I-84

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Pendleton , OR
Agency Oregon DOT
Urban: No Active: Yes

Project Description

To advise truck drivers what speed they should travel to make it safely down Emigrant Hill, on I-84 between Pendleton and La Grande.

Adaptive Ramp Metering - Entire Portland metropolitan area (I-5, I-84, I-205, I-405, OR217, US26)

    Active Traffic Management
  • Adaptive Ramp Metering
Location Portland, OR
Kate Freitag, P.E. 503.731.8218
Agency Oregon DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

ODOT operates adaptive ramp metering at over 100 meters on all all major interstates and highways in the Portland metropolitan area

Variable advisory speed limits on I-5 and I-405

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Portland, OR
Kate Freitag, P.E. 503.731.8218
Agency Oregon DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Use of speed advisories and travel times on I-5 and I-405 in Portland metropolitan area for congestion mitigation
Website https://

Variable speed limit on US26 at interchange with OR47

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Banks, OR
Kate Freitag, P.E. 503.731.8218
Agency Oregon DOT
Urban: No Active: Yes

Project Description

Use of variable speed limits on US26 at a rural interchange for safety. The system activates when volumes on US26 exceed a threshold indicating heavy traffic heading eastbound from the Oregon Coast towards Portland. The reduced speed improves safety at the rural intersection.
Website https://

Variable speed limit on US26 and I-84

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Portland, OR
Kate Freitag, P.E. 503.731.8218
Agency Oregon DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Use of variable advisory speeds, queue warning, and travel times on US26 and I-84 for congestion mitigation and road weather management. Uses the same automated variable advisory speed and queue warning system that responds to congestion and road weather conditions as the OR-217 system. Project is in design in 2015 and scheduled for turn-on in 2017.
Website https://

ATM System on OR-217

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Portland, OR
Galen McGill 503.986.4486
Agency Oregon DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Use of speed advisories, queue warning and travel times on OR-217 for congestion mitigation and road weather management. The variable advisory speed and queue warning system is fully automated and responds to congestion and road weather conditions.
Website https://

ParkPGH Parking Management

    Active Parking Management
  • Dynamic Wayfinding
Location Pittsburgh, PA
Agency The Pittsburg Cultural Trust
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

ParkPGH provides real-time information on available parking. An application, website, and call-in phone number all allow travelers to get current information on the number of available spaces in all nearby garages, with data updated each minute through a feed from the gate system at each garage.

Low visibility warning system on I-75

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Knoxville, TN
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

There are two side-mounted LED signs located along the corridor that are changed when visibility is poor. When fog is detected on the corridor and the visibility drops below 1320 feet (ft), the system goes into a preliminary mode. The overhead DMS displays a message of Fog conditions, but the speed limit is still 70 mph.

Tolled managed lanes on FM734

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Lane Use Control
Location Austin, TX
Brian D. Burk 512-974-0899
Agency Texas DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Manged Lanes. Gives solo drivers the opportunity to use HOV lanes for a toll

ParkMe and Parkeon Dynamic parking capacity

    Active Parking Management
  • Dynamic Parking Capacity
Location Austin, TX
Sean Renn 856-234-8000
Agency Texas DOT/Parkme/Parkeon
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Provides parking guidance via smart phones, in-car navigation systems, and personal computers, with maps displaying the best places to find parking.

Northwest Freeway (US 290) QuickRide

    Active Parking Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Harris County, TX
Hameed Merchant 713-615-6307
Agency Texas DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

In November 2000 the Northwest Freeway HOV lane was converted to HOT use, and is operated in a manner similar to the Katy Freeway. The Northwest QuickRide allows paying two-plus carpools to use the lane only in the morning peak when three-plus occupancy requirements are in effect.

Route Builder


Route Builder

    Active Demand Management
  • Predictive Traveler Information
Location Houston, TX
David Fink 713-881-3000
Agency Texas DOT/ TranStar
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Texas DOT provides route builder to travelers which can compare moving up or delaying trip in 15-minute intervals, to see how it impacts trip time

Fannin Rail Station Dynamically priced parking

    Active Parking Management
  • Dynamic Priced Parking
Location Houston, TX
David Fink 713-881-3000
Agency Texas DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Parking prices are based on events, and intervals between trains reduced during major events when demand is high

Adaptive Ramp Metering - IH 610 (North Loop Freeway)

    Active Traffic Management
  • Adaptive Ramp Metering
Location Houston, TX
David Fink 713-881-3000
Agency Texas DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Texas DOT operates 86 Ramp Metering systems of 6 facilities

Hardy Toll Road and Adaptive Ramp Metering

    Active Traffic Management
  • Adaptive Ramp Metering
Location Houston, TX
David Fink 713-881-3000
Agency Texas DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

The Hardy Toll Road runs from Interstate 45, north of Houston just below the Harris County line, to Interstate 610, near central Houston - IH 45 North (North Freeway)
Website https://

Westpark Tollway and Adaptive Ramp Metering

    Active Traffic Management
  • Adaptive Ramp Metering
Location Houston, TX
David Fink 713-881-3000
Agency Texas DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Limited access toll road serving western Houston and Harris county.

HOT lanes and Adaptive Ramp Metering - IH 45 South (Gulf Freeway)

    Active Traffic Management
  • Adaptive Ramp Metering
Location Houston, TX
David Fink 713-881-3000
Agency Texas DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Allows single occupancy vehicles to use the HOV lanes by paying a toll.

HOT lanes and Adaptive Ramp Metering - IH 45 South (Gulf Freeway)

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Houston, TX
David Fink 713-881-3000
Agency Texas DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Allows single occupancy vehicles to use the HOV lanes by paying a toll.

Sam Houston Tollway

    Active Traffic Management
  • Adaptive Ramp Metering
Location Houston, TX
David Fink 713-881-3000
Agency Texas DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

HOT lanes, Queue Warning and Adaptive Ramp Metering - US 59 (Southwest Freeway)

Katy Freeway


Katy Freeway

    Active Parking Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Houston, TX
David Fink 713-881-3000
Agency Texas DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Managed lanes on IH 10
Website https://

Sam Houston Tollway

    Active Parking Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Houston, TX
David Fink 713-881-3000
Agency Texas DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

HOT lanes, Queue Warning and Adaptive Ramp Metering - US 59 (Southwest Freeway)

I-15 Express lanes

Salt Lake City

I-15 Express lanes

    Active Parking Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Salt Lake City, UT
Mark Perry 801-887-3738
Agency Utah DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Express Pass is an electronic payment system along the I-15 Express Lanes. This system helps UDOT better manage traffic on I-15 by giving more solo drivers the opportunity to use the Express Lanes while ensuring that carpooling remains a benefit.

Variable Speed Limit on I-80

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Wanship, UT
Glenn Blackwelder 801-887-3652
Agency Utah DOT
Urban: No Active: No

Project Description

The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) implemented VSL signs on I-80 through Parley Canyon.

Variable speed limit on I-95/495 (Woodrow Wilson Bridge)

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Alexandria , VA
Marcelino Romero 301-275-5317
Agency Virginia DOT
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

Initially implemented for construction congestion mitigation on the woodrow wilson bridge in 2008, the 7 mile section of the I-95/495 beltway now has its VSL operations hours expanded (in 2009) to include daily congestion hours. This project was decommissioned in February 2010.

Variable Speed Limit on I-64 and I-664

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Hampton, Newport News, VA
Ken Coody (757) 925-2557
Agency Virginia DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

The systems monitor and change the speed on the approaches to and inside the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel and the Monitor Merrimac Memorial Bridge Tunnel.

Dulles Greenway


Dulles Greenway

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Ridesharing
Location Leesburg , VA
Donald J. Cohrs 703 668-0032
Agency Dulles Greenway
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

The Dulles Greenway offers a congestion management toll, so a motorist can travel at non-congested hours to save money.

Virginia—I-66 ATM Project

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Lane Use Control
Location Northern, VA
Virginia DOT 703-259-2231
Agency Virginia DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

The segment of I-66 between U.S. 50 and I-495, where the case study HOV/shoulder lane combination is operational, includes three main lanes in each direction. Starting in 1992, the shoulder was opened to peak-period, peak-direction general purpose traffic, allowing the leftmost lane to operate as an HOV lane. With completion of an ATM project in the fall of 2015, VDOT will implement dynamic lane control, hard shoulder running, queue warning and ultimately variable speed limits.

Virginia—I-66 ATM Project

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Shoulder Lanes
Location Northern, VA
Kamal Suliman 703-259-2231
Agency Virginia DOT
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

The segment of I-66 between U.S. 50 and I-495, where the case study HOV/shoulder lane combination is operational, includes three main lanes in each direction. Starting in 1992, the shoulder was opened to peak-period, peak-direction general purpose traffic, allowing the leftmost lane to operate as an HOV lane. With completion of an ATM project in the fall of 2015, VDOT will implement dynamic lane control, hard shoulder running, queue warning and ultimately variable speed limits.

Virginia - I-495 North Shoulder Lane Use

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Shoulder Lanes
Location Northern, VA
Kamal Suliman 703-259-2231
Agency Virginia DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

This 1.5-mile project allows traffic to travel on the left shoulder of northbound I-495 from where the 495 Express Lanes end to the George Washington Parkway.

Virginia—I-77 Active Traffic and Safety Management System (ATSMS)

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Hillsville, VA
Tim Martin (540) 375-0113
Agency Virginia DOT
Urban: No Active: No

Project Description

A 12-mile segment of I-77 in southwestern Virginia will operate regulatory variable speed limits that will vary according to reduced visibility conditions. The system is scheduled to be operational Fall 2015.

Virginia—I-64 Active Traffic and Safety Management System (ATSMS)

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Afton Mountain, VA
Roy Reid (540) 332-9148
Agency Virginia DOT
Urban: No Active: No

Project Description

An 11-mile segment of I-64 along Afton Mountain recently had ITS assets and communications infrastructure installed that will allow for the future installation of Variable Speed Limit signs during reduced visibility conditions.

Virginia - 495/95 Express Lanes

    Active Parking Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Northern, VA
Agency TransUrban
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

The shoulder is open to all traffic during peak travel periods on weekdays from 7 to 11 a.m. and 2 to 8 p.m. A lane-use management system, with green arrows and red "X's" similar to the lane-control system on I-66, alerts travelers when the shoulder is available.
Website https://

Bellevue Smart Traveler

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Ridesharing
Location Bellevue, WA
Agency Washington State Transportation Center
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

The traveler information center TIC integrated phone and paging technology to deliver three types of personal commuter information: (1) dynamic ride matching information, (2) current traffic congestion information, and (3) transit information.

SR 167 High Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lanes

    Active Parking Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Seattle, WA
Craig Stone (Toll Division Director) 202-464-1222
Agency Washington State DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

This four-year pilot project which started in 2008, provides a new option for solo drivers on SR 167 and evaluates how HOT lanes and variable tolling can improve traffic flow and ease congestion. By converting the pre-existing high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes into HOT lanes, SR 167 now allows solo drivers to pay a variable, electronically collected toll using a "Good To Go!" transponder to drive in the HOT lane when there is available space

I-405 Express Toll Lanes (Eastside Corridor Tolling Study)

    Active Parking Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Seattle, WA
Amy Danberg (Eastside Corridor Program) 425-456-8566
Agency Washington State DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

WSDOT has looked at a range of options to address the projected increase in population and employment along this corridor. Studies acknowledge the importance of connecting I-405 and SR 167 to form a seamless corridor. The Eastside Corridor (made up of sections of Snohomish, King and Pierce counties, stretching down I-405 and SR 167 to SR 512) vision includes new highway lanes, improved interchanges, express toll lanes, expanded transit service including bus rapid transit (BRT) and expanded vanpool programs

SR 520 / I-90 - Active Traffic Management

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Seattle, WA
Jennifer Charlebois 206-716-1165
Agency Washington State DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

WSDOT crews installed a series of electronic speed-limit and lane status signs over each lane on the SR 520 and I-90 bridges over Lake Washington.




    Active Parking Management
  • Dynamic Wayfinding
Location Seattle, WA
Michael Solheim 206-733-9956
Agency Seattle DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

e-Park uses dynamic message signs to direct users to parking garages with remaining capacity. Current garage capacity can be viewed on a mobile-friendly website for 12 parking garages.

Lake Washington Urban Partnership - SR 520

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Seattle, WA
Patricia Michaud 206-716-1133
Agency Washington State DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

The Lake Washington Urban Partnership integrates all four Ts - tolling, technology, transit and telecommuting/TDM

I-5 - Active Traffic Management

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Seattle, WA
Jennifer Charlebois 206-716-1165
Agency Washington State DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

The signs post variable speed limits that help warn drivers of backups ahead and smooth out traffic as it approaches a lane blocking incident. The overhead signs can also quickly close entire lanes and provide warning information to drivers before they reach slower traffic.

Goose Express


Goose Express

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Ridesharing
Location Seattle, WA
Agency Washington State DOT
Urban: No Active: No

Project Description

The service was aimed at individual commuters and allowed users to plan one-way, ad hoc carpools. In addition to planning trips via SMS text message, an online planning interface was added (accessible via

Adverse Weather Variable Speed Limit on I-90 and US-2

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Seattle, WA
Agency Washington State DOT
Urban: No Active: Yes

Project Description

This system consists of 15 overhead mounted Flip-disc and LED signs. The speed limit is based on traction requirements, pavement conditions, visibility, weather (precipitation amount and type), and incident types. There are thresholds for the system, and the speed limit is based on a matrix of the conditions given above.

Variable speed limit on I-80

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Cheyenne, WY
Vince Garcia 307-777-4231
Agency Wyoming DOT
Urban: No Active: Yes

Project Description

Wyoming DOT has installed 28 variable speed limit signs along a 52-mile stretch on I-8- in hopes of reducing winter driving accidents. Engineers will have the ability to lower the posted speed depening on the road conditions.

I-710 Integrated Corridor Management

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Wayfinding
Location Los Angeles County, CA
Ed Alegre
Agency LA Metro
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

Integrated Corridor Management

I-405 Dynamic Corridor Ramp Metering System

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynacmic Ramp Metering
Location Los Angeles County, CA
Leila Sy
Agency Caltrans District 7
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Implement fuzzy-ogic based adaptive ramp metering along the Sepulveda pass

I-110 Dynamic Corridor Congestion Management

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynacmic Routing
Location Los Angeles County, CA
Allen Chen
Agency Caltrans District 7
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Integrated Corridor Management

I-405 Express Lanes

Orange County California

I-405 Express Lanes

    Active Demand Management
  • Managed Lanes
Location Orange County California, CA
Ellen Lee
Agency OCTA
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

Managed Express Lanes

I-105 Express Lanes

Orange County California

I-105 Express Lanes

    Active Demand Management
  • Managed Lanes
Location Orange County California, CA
Robert Campbell
Agency LA Metro
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

Managed Express Lanes

San Diego I-805 Transit Only Lanes (TOL)

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Shoulder Lanes
Location San Diego, CA
Peter Thompson
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

San Diego is to deploying connected and autonomous vehicle to enable

I-580 Dynamic Shoulder Use

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Lane Use Control
Location SF Bay Area, CA
Agency Caltrans
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

During peak periods of heavy congestion (AM and PM Peaks), shoulder are dynamically opened to provide an additional lane of traffic. Signs are also positioned over each land to provide some dynamic lane use signing

I-80 Integrated Corridor Management

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynacmic Routing
Location SF Bay Area, CA
Agency ACTC
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Integrated Corridor Management

I-880 Integrated Corridor Mnagament

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynacmic Routing
Location SF Bay Area, CA
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Integrated Corridor Management

Dynamic Downhill Truck Speed Warning System on I-70

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Denver, CO
Agency Colorado DOT
Urban: No Active: Yes

Project Description

The Downhill Truck Speed Warning System (DTSWS) calculates and displays a safe downhill descent speed for each passing truck of greater than 40,000 lbs. gross vehicle weight (GVW) based on each truck’s axle configuration and gross vehicle weight, and the downgrade of the highway incline. The variable message sign (VMS) displaying the advised speed is located 250 feet beyond the loop detectors and weigh-in-motion (WIM) strips

Dynamic peak period tolled shoulder lane on WB I-70.

    Active Traffic Management
  • Part Time Shoulder Use
Location Empire Junction, Idaho Springs, CO
Agency CDOT
Urban: No Active: Yes

Project Description

Dynamic peak period tolled shoulder lane on WB I-70.
Website https://

Dynamic peak period tolled shoulder lane on EB I-70.

    Active Traffic Management
  • Part Time Shoulder Use
Location Empire Junction, Idaho Springs, CO
Agency CDOT
Urban: No Active: Yes

Project Description

Dynamic peak period tolled shoulder lane on EB I-70.
Website https://

I-85 Express Lanes

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Atlanta, GA
Matt Glasser 404.635.2838
Agency Georgia DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

The I-85 Express Lanes span 16 miles from Chamblee Tucker Road, just south of I-285, to Old Peachtree Road in Gwinnett county. The Express Lanes are open to traffic 24 hours a day, seven days per week. HOV 3+ is exempt from paying tolls

Midtown Atlanta V2X TSP

    Active Traffic Management
  • Transit Signal Priority
Location Atlanta, GA
Alan Davis 404.635.2832
Agency Georgia DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

In partnership with Xpress bus routes, GDOT deployed on-board units in regional transit vehicles on a bus route in midtown Atlanta to enable transit signal priority with roadside units. Project aimed to improve schedule reliability for route 431 and validate transit signal priority as an acceptable strategy for improving schedule reliability for regional transit vehicles.

CV1k and GDOT CV Deployments

    Active Traffic Management
  • Transit Signal Priority
Location Atlanta, GA
Alan Davis 404.635.2832
Agency Georgia DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

In partnership with the Atlanta Regional Commission and participating local governments, GDOT is deploying roadside units for connected vehicles at over 1000 intersections in the metro Atlanta region to enable regional transit signal priority and emergency vehicle preemption using DSRC and C-V2X.

Shoulder lane on GA 400

    Active Traffic Management
  • Part Time Shoulder Use
Location Atlanta, GA
Agency GDOT
Urban: No Active: Yes

Project Description

Shoulder lane on GA 400. Was either shortened or closed - check.

Gwinnett County Smart Corridor

    Active Traffic Management
  • Transit Signal Priority
Location Gwinnett, GA
Alan Davis 404.635.2832
Agency Georgia DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

In partnership with Gwinnett County, GDOT is implementing transit signal priority and emergency vehicle preemption using connected vehicle infrastructure along corridors in Gwinnett County. Project also includes innovative solutions for enhanced traveler information using V2X infrastructure.

The Ray on I-85


The Ray on I-85

    Active Traffic Management
  • Connected Vehicles
Location LaGrange, GA
Andrew Heath 404.635.2828
Agency Georgia DOT
Urban: No Active: Yes

Project Description

GDOT worked with Panasonic, The Ray, and FHWA to deploy DSRC and C-V2X roadside units along an 18 mile stretch of I-85 in western Georgia. Phase 1 of the project enabled various freeway applications using connected vehicles that employed traveler information messsages and roadside alerts between vehicles and infrastructure to demonstrate the use of connected vehicle data as an effective mechanism for active traffic management. Phase 2 expanded the partnership with Kia and HATCI to deploy in executive fleet vehicles and demonstrate work zone alerts and freight signal priority at seven signalized intersections.

Railroad Crossing Alerts in Millen, GA

    Active Parking Management
  • Dynamic Wayfinding
Location Millen, GA
Alan Davis 404.635.2832
Agency Georgia DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

GDOT deployed dynamic message boards that integrate into traffic signal controllers and camera systems to provide dynamic alerts for vehicles of blocked at-grade railroad crossings in Millen, GA, primarily serving freight vehicles.




    Active Traffic Management
  • Signal Operations
Location statewide, GA
Alan Davis 404.635.2832
Agency Georgia DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

GDOT's statewide traffic operations program actively manages arterials across the state through the proactive mangement and operations of traffic signals. The program seeks to coordinate traffic operations across jurisdictional boundaries and implement consistent maintenance and operations goals. Innovative technology solutions such as traffic responsive operations and automated traffic signal performance measures help to expand the reach of operations engineers to provide 24/7 monitoring of signals and expanded situational awareness of system operations.

Static shoulder lanes

Honolulu area

Static shoulder lanes

    Active Traffic Management
  • Part Time Shoulder Use
Location Honolulu area, HI
Agency HIDOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Static shoulder lanes on several sections of EB and WB H-1.
Website https://

Chicago Midway Smart Corridor project

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Wayfinding
Location Chicago, IL
Abrahm Emmanuel
Agency CDOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Project goal is to monitor traffic along three arterial streets leading to the Midway Airport from the Stevenson Expressway and balance the traffic along the three routes. Monitors inside the airport and new DMS signs on the expressway provides traffic condition information for passengers arriving at the airport and for vehicles driving towards the airport. The project is currently in construction

Dynamic Lane Use on I-90 from O'Hare to Barrington, IL (16 miles)

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Lane Use Control
Location NW Surburban Chicago, IL
Elyse Morgan 630-352-7147
Agency IL Tollway
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Over-the-road signs installed every half mile between Barrington Road and the Kennedy Expressway on I-90 allow the Tollway to communicate travel times, traffic incident information, lane closures and traffic pattern changes. Pace buses (Regional transit) have the ability to travel on inside shoulders of the roadway in times of congestion to provide reliable transit service. Flex Lanes can also be used as additional lane in an emergency.
Website https://

I-80 TSMO project (Indiana Borman Flex Road)

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Lane Use Control
Location SouthEast of Chicago, IL
Terrence Heffron 8477054800
Agency IDOT is working with INDOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

IDOT is participating with InDOT in the project study, and several systems changes on the Illinois side such as detection, surveillance, DMS, VSL (only advisory currently  permissible in Illinois ) are contemplated as part of alternatives which include an alternative for hard shoulder running.
Website https://

Indiana TSMO


Indiana TSMO

    Active Traffic Management
  • Adaptive Ramp Metering
Location Indiana, IN
John Cox
Agency INDOT
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

Indiana DOT is investigating and deploying various ATM strategies along I-80 and I-94

Static shoulder lane on I-93.

    Active Traffic Management
  • Part Time Shoulder Use
Location Boston, MA
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Static shoulder lane on I-93.

Static shoulder lane on I-95

    Active Traffic Management
  • Part Time Shoulder Use
Location Boston, MA
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Static shoulder lane on I-95. Was shortened or closed - check.

Static shoulder lane on SR3.

    Active Traffic Management
  • Part Time Shoulder Use
Location Boston, MA
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Static shoulder lane on SR3.

Variable speed limit and Managed Lanes on I-35W

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Minneapolis, MN
Brian Kary 651-234-7022
Agency Minnesota DOT
Urban: No Active: Yes

Project Description

The MnDOT has implemented an ATM system on approximately 16 miles of I-35W in the Minneapolis/St. Paul region. The I-35W ATM installation, includes several strategies aimed at improving safety and congestion (both recurrent and non-recurrent).

Variable speed limit and Managed Lanes on I-94

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Minneapolis, MN
Brian Kary 651-234-7022
Agency Minnesota DOT
Urban: No Active: Yes

Project Description

The MnDOT has implemented an ATM system on approximately 10 miles of I-94 in the Minneapolis/St. Paul region. The I-94 ATM installation, includes several strategies aimed at improving safety and congestion (both recurrent and non-recurrent).

Managed Lanes - I-394 Minneapolis

    Active Parking Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Minneapolis, MN
Brad Larsen 651-234-7024
Agency Minnesota DOT
Urban: No Active: Yes

Project Description

HOT lanes in which car and van poolers and bus users have free access and priority use while drivers of single occupant vehicles choose to use these lanes on an as-needed basis by paying a fee

Static shoulder lane on NB NJ 29.

    Active Traffic Management
  • Part Time Shoulder Use
Location Trenton , NJ
Agency NJDOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Static shoulder lane on NB NJ 29.
Website https://

New York City Congestion Pricing

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location New York, NY
Agency NY City
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

Cordon pricing for Manhattan

I-85 Managed Freeway Feasibility Study

    Active Traffic Management
  • Coordinated Adaptive Ramp Metering
Location Charlotte, NC
Derrick Lewis 919-707-4663
Agency NCDOT
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

Active traffic management on I-85 from I-77 to I-485N

Express toll lanes on I-485.

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Charlotte , NC
Brett Canipe 704-983-4400
Agency NCDOT
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

Express toll lanes on I-485.
Website https://

Express toll lanes on I-77 from I-277

Charlotte and Lake Norman area

Express toll lanes on I-77 from I-277

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Charlotte and Lake Norman area, NC
Brett Canipe 704-983-4400
Agency NCDOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Express toll lanes on I-77 from I-277 (Brookshire Freeway) in Charlotte to NC 150 in Mooresville.
Website https://

Cornelius Adaptive Signal System

    Active Traffic Management
  • Adaptive Signal Control
Location Mecklenburg, NC
Matthew Carlisle 919-814-4934
Agency NCDOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Installed Rhythm Engineering's "In-Sync" adaptive signal control system. System utilizes ethernet communications with 5.8gHz radios and 4G communications back to the Statewide Signal System.

I-85 ICM

Mecklenburg/Gaston County

I-85 ICM

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Wayfinding
Location Mecklenburg/Gaston County, NC
Jennifer Portanova 919-825-2621
Agency NCDOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

The I-85 Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) manages both travel demand and network demand in normal and abnormal conditions. NCDOT has deployed ICM on 22 miles of I-85 from MM 10 to 32 near Charlotte with a focus on managing incident-related congestion on the interstate and parallel US-74 arterial. This deployment includes traveler information on Dynamic Message Signs, activatable detour trailblazer signs for individual incidents, and incident-specific signal timing plans for intersections included in the detours.
Website https://

Standard Practice for Variable Speed Limits

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits
Location Multiple counties, NC
Don Parker 919 814 4935
Agency NCDOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

This guideline provides guidance and uniformity on the establishment of “variable” speed limits for highway work zones.
Website https://

Waycare Pilot

Multiple counties

Waycare Pilot

    Active Demand Management
  • Predictive Traveler Information
Location Multiple counties, NC
Dom Ciaramitaro 919-825-2613
Agency NCDOT
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

Piloting Waycare as a platform to produce actional traffic safety insights and crash predictions using AI that ingests a variety of data sources. Also, assists with predictive dispatching of Safety Service Patrols.
Website https://

Work Zone ICMs

Multiple counties

Work Zone ICMs

    Active Parking Management
  • Dynamic Wayfinding
Location Multiple counties, NC
Jennifer Portanova 919-825-2621
Agency NCDOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

NCDOT has deployed / will deploy ICM concepts throughout several work zones. They include I-26 Widening near Asheville, NC; I-40 Widening in Raleigh NC; I-95 Widening projects along several sections; and I-40 Widening in Orange County. They use a variety of means for traveler information and ITS strategies to include pre-programmed message sets for message boards, dynamic trailblazers, and signal system timing plans for artierials. After the project, the ICM system and decision matrices will be adapted for permanent use.

I-40 managed freeway

Raleigh, Durham

I-40 managed freeway

    Active Traffic Management
  • Coordinated Adaptive Ramp Metering
Location Raleigh, Durham, NC
David Keilson 919-825-2637
Agency NCDOT
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

Active traffic management on I-40 from NC 54 (exit 273) to Wade Avenue (exit 289).

I-540 Ramp Meters

Raleigh, Wake County

I-540 Ramp Meters

    Active Traffic Management
  • Adaptive Ramp Metering
Location Raleigh, Wake County, NC
Dom Ciaramitaro 919-825-2613
Agency NCDOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Ramp meters along select I-540 on-ramps that can be activated via threshold tables during peak travel times to promote smoother traffic flow and smoother merges.
Website https://

Bus On Sholder System (BOSS)

Wake, Durham Counties

Bus On Sholder System (BOSS)

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Shoulder Lanes
Location Wake, Durham Counties, NC
Meredith McDiarmid 919-814-5030
Agency NCDOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Allows certain buses to travel on the shoulders of designated interstate and primary routes as a way to help keep buses on schedule.
Website https://

Eastbound I-670 shoulder lane

    Active Traffic Management
  • Part Time Shoulder Use
Location Columbus, OH
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Eastbound I-670 shoulder lane.

I-5 ATM: Marine Dr - Fremont Bridge

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Portland, OR
Kate Freitag, P.E. 503.731.8220
Agency Oregon DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Use of speed advisories, queue warning and travel times for congestion mitigation and road weather management. The variable advisory speed and queue warning system is fully automated and responds to congestion and road weather conditions.
Website https://

I-205 ATM Johnson Creek - Columbia River

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Portland, OR
Kate Freitag, P.E. 503.731.8220
Agency Oregon DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Use of speed advisories, queue warning and travel times for congestion mitigation and road weather management. The variable advisory speed and queue warning system is fully automated and responds to congestion and road weather conditions.
Website https://

I-205 ATM: OR43 - OR213

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Portland, OR
Kate Freitag, P.E. 503.731.8220
Agency Oregon DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Use of speed advisories, queue warning and travel times for congestion mitigation and road weather management. The variable advisory speed and queue warning system is fully automated and responds to congestion and road weather conditions.
Website https://

I-5 ATM: Marquam - Capitol

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Portland, OR
Kate Freitag, P.E. 503.731.8220
Agency Oregon DOT
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

Use of speed advisories, queue warning and travel times for congestion mitigation and road weather management. The variable advisory speed and queue warning system is fully automated and responds to congestion and road weather conditions.
Website https://

I-84 Parking Management Multnomah Falls

    Active Parking Management
  • Dynamic Parking Capacity
Location Portland, OR
Galen McGill 503.986.4486
Agency Oregon DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Parking is controlled by automated gates based on capacity from active counters
Website https://

Division Street BRT

    Active Traffic Management
  • Transit Signal Priority
Location Portland, OR
Agency TriMet
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

Bus Rapid Transit corridor with TSP

I-24 ICM


I-24 ICM

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynacmic Routing
Location Nashville, TN
Brad Freeze
Agency TDOT
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

Integrated Corridor Management. Includes the use of CV Technology

Tolled managed lanes on FM734

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Lane Use Control
Location Austin, TX
Brian D. Burk 512-974-0899
Agency Texas DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Manged Lanes. Gives solo drivers the opportunity to use HOV lanes for a toll

ParkMe and Parkeon Dynamic parking capacity

    Active Parking Management
  • Dynamic Parking Capacity
Location Austin, TX
Sean Renn 856-234-8000
Agency Texas DOT/Parkme/Parkeon
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Provides parking guidance via smart phones, in-car navigation systems, and personal computers, with maps displaying the best places to find parking.

SH 121 Shoulder Lane

Dallas Ft. Worth area

SH 121 Shoulder Lane

    Active Traffic Management
  • Part Time Shoulder Use
Location Dallas Ft. Worth area, TX
Michael Peters 817-370-6846
Agency TXDOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Peak period shoulder lane on State Highway 121.

DFW Connector

Dallas Ft. Worth area

DFW Connector

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Dallas Ft. Worth area, TX
Michael Peters 817-370-6846
Agency TxDOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Tolled Managed Lane from Kimball Ave to Freeport Pkwy
Website https://

LBJ Express (IH 635 and IH 35E)

Dallas Ft. Worth area

LBJ Express (IH 635 and IH 35E)

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Dallas Ft. Worth area, TX
Robert Hinkle 817-710-0511
Agency TxDOT / Cintra
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Tolled Managed Lane from US 75 to Luna Road; Loop 12 to IH 635
Website https://

IH 30 Express

Dallas Ft. Worth area

IH 30 Express

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Dallas Ft. Worth area, TX
Tony Hartzel 214-320-4481
Agency TxDOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Tolled Managed Lane from Center Street to Sylvan Ave.

35 Express

Dallas Ft. Worth area

35 Express

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Dallas Ft. Worth area, TX
Tony Hartzel 214-320-4481
Agency TxDOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Tolled Managed Lane from IH 635 to Swisher Rd

114 Express

Dallas Ft. Worth area

114 Express

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Dallas Ft. Worth area, TX
Tony Hartzel 214-320-4481
Agency TxDOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Tolled Managed Lane from SH 183 to International Parkway

183 Express

Dallas Ft. Worth area

183 Express

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Dallas Ft. Worth area, TX
Tony Hartzel 214-320-4481
Agency TxDOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Tolled Managed Lane from SH 121 to IH 35E; Loop 12 from SH 183 to IH 35E

North Tarrant Express (IH 820, SH 121/183, IH 35W)

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Dallas Ft. Worth area, TX
Robert Hinkle 817-701-0511
Agency TxDOT / Cintra
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

IH 35W to SH 121/183; IH 820 to FM 157; IH 30 to US 81/287; US 81/287 to Eagle
Website https://

Peak period shoulder lane on State Highway 121

    Active Traffic Management
  • Part Time Shoulder Use
Location Dallas Ft. Worth area, TX
Agency TXDOT
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

Peak period shoulder lane on State Highway 121.

Northwest Freeway (US 290) QuickRide

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Harris County, TX
Valerie Taylor 713-881-3000
Agency Texas DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

In November 2000 the Northwest Freeway HOV lane was converted to HOT use, and is operated in a manner similar to the Katy Freeway. The Northwest QuickRide allows paying two-plus carpools to use the lane only in the morning peak when three-plus occupancy requirements are in effect.

Route Builder


Route Builder

    Active Demand Management
  • Predictive Traveler Information
Location Houston, TX
Valerie Taylor 713-881-3000
Agency Texas DOT/ TranStar
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Texas DOT provides route builder to travelers which can compare moving up or delaying trip in 15-minute intervals, to see how it impacts trip time

Fannin Rail Station Dynamically priced parking

    Active Parking Management
  • Dynamic Priced Parking
Location Houston, TX
Valerie Taylor 713-881-3000
Agency Texas DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Parking prices are based on events, and intervals between trains reduced during major events when demand is high

Adaptive Ramp Metering - IH 610 (North Loop Freeway)

    Active Traffic Management
  • Adaptive Ramp Metering
Location Houston, TX
Valerie Taylor 713-881-3000
Agency Texas DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Texas DOT operates 86 Ramp Metering systems of 6 facilities

Hardy Toll Road and Adaptive Ramp Metering

    Active Traffic Management
  • Adaptive Ramp Metering
Location Houston, TX
Valerie Taylor 713-881-3000
Agency Texas DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

The Hardy Toll Road runs from Interstate 45, north of Houston just below the Harris County line, to Interstate 610, near central Houston - IH 45 North (North Freeway)
Website https://

Westpark Tollway and Adaptive Ramp Metering

    Active Traffic Management
  • Adaptive Ramp Metering
Location Houston, TX
Valerie Taylor 713-881-3000
Agency Texas DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Limited acess toll road serving western Houston and Harris county.

HOT lanes and Adaptive Ramp Metering - IH 45 South (Gulf Freeway)

    Active Traffic Management
  • Adaptive Ramp Metering
Location Houston, TX
Valerie Taylor 713-881-3000
Agency Texas DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Allows single occupancy vehicles to use the HOV lanes by paying a toll.

HOT lanes and Adaptive Ramp Metering - IH 45 South (Gulf Freeway)

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Houston, TX
Valerie Taylor 713-881-3000
Agency Texas DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Allows single occupancy vehicles to use the HOV lanes by paying a toll.

Sam Houston Tollway

    Active Traffic Management
  • Adaptive Ramp Metering
Location Houston, TX
Valerie Taylor 713-881-3000
Agency Texas DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

HOT lanes, Queue Warning and Adaptive Ramp Metering - US 59 (Southwest Freeway)

Katy Freeway


Katy Freeway

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Houston, TX
Valerie Taylor 713-881-3000
Agency Valerie Taylor
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Managed lanes on IH 10
Website https://

Sam Houston Tollway

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Houston, TX
Valerie Taylor 713-881-3000
Agency Texas DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

HOT lanes, Queue Warning and Adaptive Ramp Metering - US 59 (Southwest Freeway)

US 59 North and South

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Houston, TX
Valerie Taylor 713-881-3000
Agency Texas DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Allows single occupancy vehicles to use the HOV lanes by paying a toll.

SH 288


SH 288

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Houston, TX
Valerie Taylor 713-881-3000
Agency Texas DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Allows single occupancy vehicles to use the HOV lanes by paying a toll.
Website https://

Adaptive Ramp Metering - IH 610 (North Loop Freeway)

    Active Traffic Management
  • Adaptive Ramp Metering
Location Houston, TX
David Fink 713-881-3000
Agency Texas DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Texas DOT operates 86 Ramp Metering systems of 6 facilities

ConnectSmart Program

    Active Demand Management
  • Predictive Traveler Information
Location Houston , TX
Andrew Mao 713-802-5302
Agency Texas DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

ConnectSmart is an advanced technology platform and mobile app integrating Houston’s TSMO and ADM programs with multimodal options. ConnectSmart is made possible by an ATCMTD grant. ConnectSmart provides a myriad of features for travelers on an app and web browser, e.g., multimoddal trip planning and navigation, travel times, travel routes, transit ticket purchase, shared bike stations, carpool information, parking guidance, tow assistance, TranStar camera and DMS feeds, among other features.

ConnectSmart Program

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Wayfinding
Location Houston , TX
Andrew Mao 713-802-5302
Agency Texas DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

ConnectSmart is an advanced technology platform and mobile app integrating Houston’s TSMO and ADM programs with multimodal options. ConnectSmart is made possible by an ATCMTD grant. ConnectSmart provides a myriad of features for travelers on an app and web browser, e.g., multimoddal trip planning and navigation, travel times, travel routes, transit ticket purchase, shared bike stations, carpool information, parking guidance, tow assistance, TranStar camera and DMS feeds, among other features.

SH 161 Shoulder Lane

    Active Traffic Management
  • Part Time Shoulder Use
Location Irving, TX
Project no longer active.
Agency Texas DOT
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

Static part time shoulder lane on State Highway 161.

Static part time shoulder lane on State Highway 161

    Active Traffic Management
  • Part Time Shoulder Use
Location Irving, TX
Agency Texas DOT
Urban: No Active: Yes

Project Description

Static part time shoulder lane on State Highway 161.

Variable speed limit on I-95/495 (Woodrow Wilson Bridge)

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Alexandria , VA
Marcelino Romero 301-275-5317
Agency Virginia DOT
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

Initially implemented for construction congestion mitigation on the woodrow wilson bridge in 2008, the 7 mile section of the I-95/495 beltway now has its VSL operations hours expanded (in 2009) to include daily congestion hours. This project was decommissioned in February 2010.

I-264 shoulder lane

Virginia Beach

I-264 shoulder lane

    Active Traffic Management
  • Part Time Shoulder Use
Location Virginia Beach, VA
Agency VDOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

I-264 shoulder lane.

Dynamic shoulder lane on NB I-405 from SR 527 to I-5

    Active Traffic Management
  • Part Time Shoulder Use
Location Canyon Park, WA
Agency WSDOT
Urban: No Active: Yes

Project Description

Dynamic shoulder lane on NB I-405 from SR 527 to I-5.
Website https://

Static shoulder lane on EB US 2 between Everett and Lake Stevens/Snohomish.

    Active Traffic Management
  • Part Time Shoulder Use
Location Everett, WA
Agency WSDOT
Urban: No Active: Yes

Project Description

Static shoulder lane on EB US 2 between Everett and Lake Stevens/Snohomish.
Website https://

WB SR 14 dynamic shoulder lane.

    Active Traffic Management
  • Part Time Shoulder Use
Location Vancouver, WA
Agency WSDOT
Urban: No Active: No

Project Description

WB SR 14 dynamic shoulder lane.
Website https://

Variable speed limit on I-80

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Speed Limits/Advisories
Location Cheyenne, WY
Vince Garcia 307-777-4231
Agency Wyoming DOT
Urban: No Active: Yes

Project Description

Wyoming DOT has installed 28 variable speed limit signs along a 52-mile stretch on I-8- in hopes of reducing winter driving accidents. Engineers will have the ability to lower the posted speed depening on the road conditions.

ATCMTD: Emergency Vehicle Preemption Using Connected Vehicle Technology

  • Active Traffic Management
Location Atlanta, GA
Alan Davis 404.635.2832
Agency Georgia DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

This project ushers in the next step in GDOT’s CV plan, which will be the deployment of vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) applications to provide coordinated, corridor-based signal timing preemption for emergency vehicles. This approach will assist emergency vehicles in traversing exit ramps and arterials in an efficient and safe manner. This includes incident response vehicles conducting turn-around movements at interchanges.

I-75 Commericial Vehicle Lanes

  • Active Demand Management
Location Atlanta to Macon, GA
Andrew Heath 404.635.2828
Agency Georgia DOT
Urban: No Active: No

Project Description

The I-75 Commercial Vehicle Lanes project will improve mobility and safety for freight operators and passenger vehicles by constructing two, barrier-separated commercial vehicle-only lanes northbound along I-75 from approximately the I-475/I-75 Interchange near Macon to the McDonough area. The new lanes will be non-tolled and will span across five counties: Henry, Spalding, Butts, Lamar, and Monroe. The total length of the project is approximately 41 miles. The I-75 Commercial Vehicle Lanes modernizes freight infrastructure and operations to grow the economy, increase competitiveness, and improve quality of life.
Website https://

ITS4US: Safe Trips in a Connected Transportation Network (ST-CTN)

  • Active Traffic Management
Location Gwinnett, GA
Alan Davis 404.635.2832
Agency Georgia DOT
Urban: No Active: No

Project Description

The ST-CTN system will integrate CV data with an open-sourced web-based and mobile application. The application will provide users with the ability to create a personalized trip plan with information regarding the navigation of physical infrastructure, the ability to resolve unexpected obstacles, and ensure users visibility throughout the trip. The proposed deployment will provide targeted users with the ability to dynamically plan and navigate trips.

I-475 Smart Corridor

  • Active Demand Management
Location Macon, GA
Matt Glasser 404.635.2838
Agency Georgia DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

Project involved replacing failed and outdated vehicle detection system along entire I-475 corridor with fiixed cameras utilizing Automated Incident Detection software to provide nearly 100% coverage to detect crashes, pedestrian, dangerous slowdowns, and wrong way drivers

Freight Signal Priority Pilot

  • Active Traffic Management
Location Savannahq, GA
Alan Davis 404.635.2832
Agency Georgia DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

In partnership with Georgia Ports Authority (GPA), GDOT seeks to extend its deployments to the Savannah area to improve freight provider safety and mobility. Through traffic signal-based applications and enhanced traveler information dissemination, freight providers can be alerted of traffic conditions entering and exiting the port facilities in order to make efficient routing decisions. Freight signal priority will also be given to equipped vehicles on corridors.

Stranded Motorist Assist

  • Active Demand Management
Location statewide, GA
Matt Glasser 404.635.2838
Agency Georgia DOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

This effort trialed and fully implemented a new software-based tool for 511 Operators to quickly identify the exact location of a stranded motorist with cell phone LBS. Through this platform, an operator sends a text to the motorist, which requests temporary access to location services. when the motorist accepts, the software captures the location and places a marker on a map. utilizing this new system, GA 511 Operators were able to reduce their average time to locate motorists from 23 minutes to 3 minutes.

Next Generation ATMS

  • Active Demand Management
Location statewide, GA
Matt Glasser 404.635.2838
Agency Georgia DOT
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

Project involves design, development, and deployment of GDOT's next generation ATMS platform. This platform is intended to build upon the existing system with a new GUI that will also incorporate streamlined response plan creation, incident notification/messageing, connected vehicles, and traffic signals.


San Francisco


    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Ridesharing
Location San Francisco, CA
Paul Steinberg 408-465-4844
Agency Carma
Urban: No Active: Yes

Project Description

Carma's free iPhone app enables private cars to become part of the public transport network by providing a marketplace for drivers to offer their unused seats to other people in real time.




    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Ridesharing
Location Austin, TX
Paul Steinberg 408-465-4844
Agency Carma
Urban: No Active: Yes

Project Description

Carma's free iPhone app enables private cars to become part of the public transport network by providing a marketplace for drivers to offer their unused seats to other people in real time

I-75 Florida's Regional Advanced Mobility Elements (FRAME) - Gainesville

    Active Traffic Management
  • Transit Signal Priority
Location Gainesville, FL
Peter Vega
Agency FDOT
Urban: Yes Active: Yes

Project Description

This I–75 Florida's Regional Advanced Mobility Elements (FRAME) project deploys emerging technologies to better manage, operate, and maintain the multimodal transportation system and create an Integrated Corridor Management solution on I–75 and state highway systems in the Cities of Gainesville and Ocala. This project focuses on the City of Gainesville. The emerging technologies in this project are Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures (ATSPM) and Connected Vehicle technologies such as Roadside Units (RSU) and On Board Units (OBU) for effective traffic operations; Transit Signal Priority (TSP) and Freight Signal Priority. The goal of the project is to disseminate real–time information to the motorists during freeway incidents.
Website https://

Truck Parking Availability System

Florida Interstates

Truck Parking Availability System

    Active Traffic Management
  • Dynamic Wayfinding
Location Florida Interstates, FL
Marie Tucker
Agency FDOT
Urban: No Active: Yes

Project Description

FDOT Truck Parking Availability System (TPAS) combines sensors deployed by FDOT with private parking system providers to determine parking availability for commercial vehicles. The information is pushed upstream via DMS, to FL511 and to the FL 511 app.
Website https://

LeeTran Traffic Signal Priority

    Active Traffic Management
  • Transit Signal Priority
Location Fort Myers, FL
Steven Davis
Agency FDOT
Urban: Yes Active: No

Project Description

This project proposes to procure and install the On-Board Units (OBUs) required to improve LeeTran service on the US 41 Corridor in Fort Myers. This project will also include the integration of Transit Signal Priority elements within the US 41 FRAME project and will also include integration of the OBUs into LeeTran’s system elements, allowing sharing of bus schedules, locations, and arrival times with the CV infrastructure.
Website https://

LeeWay Managed Lanes on Cape Coral Bridge

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Fort Myers, FL
Lee County
Agency Lee County
Urban: No Active: Yes

Project Description

The Cape Coral Toll Facility consists of four westbound toll lanes and two eastbound non-toll lanes. The toll is collected in only one direction, toward the City of Cape Coral. All electronic toll collection has been implemented with transponder and pay-by-plate invoicing as payment methods.
Website https://

LeeWay Midpoint Memorial Bridge Tolling Facility

    Active Demand Management
  • Dynamic Pricing
Location Fort Myers, FL
Lee County
Agency Lee County
Urban: No Active: Yes

Project Description

The Midpoint Memorial Toll Facility consists of three westbound toll lanes and two eastbound non-toll lanes. The toll is collected in only one direction, toward the City of Cape Coral. All electronic toll collection has been implemented with transponder and pay-by-plate invoicing as payment methods.
Website https://

LeeWay Sanibel Causeway

  • Active Demand Management
Location Fort Myers, FL
Lee County
Agency Lee County
Urban: No Active: Yes

Project Description

The Sanibel Toll Facility consists of three westbound toll lanes and one eastbound non-toll lane. The toll is collected in only one direction, toward the Sanibel Island. All electronic toll collection has been implemented with transponder and pay-by-plate invoicing as payment methods.
Website https://

If you would like to add a deployment or have any questions, please contact Adam Hopps at