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Access Management Manual, 2nd ed.

TRB's Access Management Manual, second edition, provides guidance on a coordinated approach to transportation and community design that is designed to help enhance mobility, provide greater mode choice, and improve environmental quality. The content is interdisciplinary, with guidance pertinent to various levels of government as well as to pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorized vehicles-including trucks and buses. Access management is addressed comprehensively, as a critical part of network and land use planning. Key updates include the following:

-Specific guidance on network and circulation planning and modal considerations;
-A framework and strategies for application of access management in different contexts;
-Performance measures for access management programs and projects, as well as methods of monitoring the performance of access management treatments;
-Additional details on corridor management planning, alternative funding strategies, and cooperative agreements;
-New chapters on network planning, regional access management policies and programs, interchange area access management, auxiliary lane warrants and design, and right-of-way and access control;
-Additional guidance on program development, staffing, training, internal coordination, and functional area roles for state transportation agencies; and
-More methods for improving coordination and cooperation between state agencies, local jurisdictions, and private developers in access management, including sample cooperative agreements and outreach strategies.

Most chapters conclude with a brief section linking the information in the chapter to specific sections of a companion volume, the Access Management Application Guidelines (AMAG), which supplements the manual with additional information in support of the technical guidelines and design criteria and provides case examples and guidance. The AMAG is scheduled for publication in fall 2015 and will be sold separately.