Delivering resources to save time, lives, and money

Active Traffic Management (ATM) Implementation and Operations Guide


ATM Implementation & Operations Guide (Click here to download)

This Guide provides regional and local agencies guidance on how to strategically and effectively implement and operate Active Traffic Management (ATM) strategies. The Guide describes the stepwise approach to accomplishing this implementation through the application of the system engineering process; comprehensive planning; and organizational considerations, capabilities, and design considerations. It utilizes a combination of relevant existing resources and documents along with best practices and lessons learned gleaned from early adopters to offer practical guidance. It also emphasizes the value of ATM and what these strategies can offer to operating agencies as part of their broader Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) program. The intended audience(s) of the Guide includes agencies interested in implementing ATM in their region, as well as agencies that have implemented ATM and are interested in guidance on operating their ATM systems and strategies more effectively.


Info Brief (4-pager) on the ATM Implementation & Operations Guide (Click here to download)

This Info Brief provides an overview of Active Traffic Management (ATM) and some example applications of ATM in the U.S.  The Brief also provides an overview of the Guide, including the intended audiences and a summary of the major topics covered in the Guide: planning and organizational considerations, design considerations, implementation and deployment, and operations and maintenance.

Click here to view NOCoE webinar on Active Traffic Management (ATM) Implementation and Operations Guide which introduces the new FHWA ATM I&O Guide, including the purpose, target audience, and overall structure.

Operations Area of Practice

    Pricing / Toll Roads
    Travel Demand Management
    HOV Lanes / HOT Lanes
    Real Time Traveler Information
    Communicating Reliability Information
    Travel Demand Forecasting

Organizational Capability Element

    Traveler Information
    Active Traffic Management/Travel Demand Management/Pricing

Content Type

Informational Product

Publishing Organization



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TOM Chapters
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