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TSMO Workforce Webinar Series: HR Resources, Position Descriptions, and KSAs


This webinar series provide an overview of how the TSMO Workforce Guidebook was developed and the resources that resulted from the completed the NCHRP report and on-going NOCoE efforts. Building your workforce requires understanding and communicating with your respective HR departments to share reference resources that will help in developing new or refining existing position descriptions including relevant Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs) to build your TSMO team. Understanding how existing positions are changing, new positions that may be needed and the forward looking KSAs needed for the future TSMO workforce is described in this webinar.

Target Audience

  • TSMO Practitioners all career levels
  • HR managers
  • Knowledge Management professionals

Learning Objectives

  • Provide an introduction to the TSMO Workforce Guidebook, resources and efforts for TSMO Workforce Development through NOCoE.



  • Patrick Son, P.E.


  • Todd Szymkowski, PE, PTOE
  • Stephanie Ivey, PhD

Event Type


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