Complete Trip Data Fact Sheet


FHWA has highlighted the importance of complete person trip data for transportation planning and management. The Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act of 2012 introduced a performance-based approach to the Federal-Aid Highway Program, and stakeholders have been seeking multimodal measures that track person movements across all transportation modes. FHWA's research found that such performance is challenging without complete person-trip data, which now are available from private vendors. This data tracks individual trips from origin to destination using time-stamped, geographically positioned "pings" from devices like cell phones and GPS. It can be used for system performance monitoring, transportation planning, and management and operations to enhance transportation network performance analysis. This data can support various applications, including evaluating the impact of transportation improvements on door-to-door travel times and assessing network productivity trade-offs among modal options. Furthermore, it aids in understanding network resilience across modes when major roadways are closed during peak periods. Read the full fact sheet at: 

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